Our Story

Do you want to hear a STORY? The story of ThinkleBuds!

There was this 9 year old kid,Arya. She was kind & smart, also shy. She loved music & arts.

Years passed. She completed her education with flying colors.She also secured a great Job.

What next? Happily ever after, ahem Think again. 🤔

  • Arya has trouble communicating with her colleagues. She lacked People Skills.
  • Her work-life balance was gone for a toss. She didn’t know how to manage her time.
  • Left with no savings at all. No idea about Money Management.

Aren’t these skills to be taught to children during their childhood. Issues of mental health, soft skills & Life skills always take a back seat in early childhood education of children. 

We wanted to bring about a change in this scenario & that is the inception of ThinkleBuds 🙂

With your help we will make a difference in our children’s lives.

We will help them look at life from a broader & brighter perspective & equip them with all necessary skills to lead a happy & fulfilling life.

Our focus Areas


With primary focus on happiness,our prompts are designed to nurture positivity through affirmations, self care for children, focus on gratitude etc.


With focus on uniqueness of the child, growth mindset, thought provoking questions which challenge their thoughts our prompts work on building up confidence in children.

Self Awareness
Self Awareness

Being aware & accepting of onself, mindful of unique strengths & resilience to work through short comings sets one up for success in life & we aim to introduce children to these topics.

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